Saturday, October 2, 2010

More Guatemalan fun facts

A few more observations about Guatemala:
- Women dress modestly. I have yet to see a Guatemalen woman in shorts - just pants/skirts. However, it is not unheard of for a woman to expose herself to nurse her 2 year-old in the box of a pick-up truck while they drive. Also, the central park of Antigua has at its center a fountain in the design of four lactating women!
- The rainy season is rainy! And pretty cool (jeans and sometimes sweaters weather)
- Security guards are everywhere and carry big guns: at banks, at restaurants, and even on Coca Cola transport trucks
- I literally didn't know what time zone I was in for the first couple of days! Now I know: one hour difference (no daylight savings time)
- I often hear huge BANG!s, but it's not usually guns. It's just cars backfiring
- I experienced my first 4x4 ride in a mini-bus today (well, actually, it should have had 4WD. We almost didn't make it...)
- City buses are old American buses painted very creatively different ways for different buses. They are commonly called chicken buses (maybe b/c they have racks on top that people put their boxes of chickens in when they take them home for supper?)
- People are very affectionate (Hence, we are told to hug & kiss 10+ people at church)
- Staircases are spiral and very steep and tight = difficult to carry suitcases up (and mine is small!)

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